■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
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2023/04/29(土) 16:39:35.88ID:Nknkxs76
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2023/04/29(土) 16:43:43.53ID:Nknkxs76
エンジェルインザダーク ローラニーロ
ザシートゥーザノース ガースハドソン
ジェリコ ザバンド
ディスタイム ロスロボス
ターバレントインディゴ ジョニミッチェル
テイミングザタイガー ジョニミッチェル
ペイパック&フォロー ジョンフィリップス
ユーマストアスクザハート ジョナサンリッチマン
ガンマン&アザーストーリーズ プリファブスプラウト

垢版 |
2023/05/02(火) 15:30:10.08ID:UelhjAb/
Bash & PopのFriday Night Is Killing Me
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2023/05/02(火) 15:34:31.95ID:UelhjAb/
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2023/05/06(土) 15:41:16.48ID:zc6gkbZg
アナイトインサンフランシスコ ヴァンモリソン
ウィスパリングパインズライブ リチャードマニュエル
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2023/05/12(金) 02:16:56.58ID:JDUZJdwd
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2023/05/14(日) 04:55:15.59ID:gIy9Z1Hz
マザーズネイチャーズサン ジョンルシアン
エンドレスイズラブ ジョンルシアン
バイリクエスト ジョンルシアン
マンフロムパラダイス ジョンルシアン
ライブインNYC ジョンルシアン
アタイムフォーラブ ジョンルシアン
ザウェイファラー ジョンルシアン
垢版 |
2023/05/15(月) 02:51:07.30ID:nwsYk7TX
リビングインアブームタイム トムロビンソン
ハヴィングイットボウスウェイズ トムロビンソン
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2023/05/19(金) 17:22:14.56ID:4qsahEqA

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2023/05/19(金) 17:24:10.38ID:4qsahEqA
夕日が昇る 友部正人
遠い国の日時計 友部正人
夢がかなう10月 友部正人
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2023/05/19(金) 17:40:19.30ID:4qsahEqA
もう一度おれにブルースを 吉野大作&サンライズタウンバンド
黒い地球儀 ルビー
無頼の華 ルビー
ボイラー ルビー
センシミーナ 豊田勇造
チャオプラヤ河に抱かれて 豊田勇造
満月 豊田勇造
マンゴーシャワーラブレター 豊田勇造
垢版 |
2023/05/19(金) 18:42:27.68ID:4qsahEqA
ディスティニームーン アウシュヴィッツ
ソングス アウシュヴィッツ
ルールオブスピリット アウシュヴィッツ
憎まれっ子世に憚る フールズ
ノーモアーウォー フールズ
垢版 |
2023/05/19(金) 18:53:25.41ID:4qsahEqA
花々の過失 友川かずき
マンダラスペシャルライブ 友川かずき
波紋の上の球体 パンタ
絶叫!中原中也 福島泰樹
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2023/05/21(日) 23:49:15.47ID:KadDRSKE
シャインアイドミスターゼン ケリージョーフェルプス
ガードレールに足かけて シバ
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2023/05/25(木) 15:07:05.83ID:v0iQkb9U
レットザマッドネスイン キムフォーリー
トリップオブアライフタイム キムフォーリー
セックスカーズ&ゴッド キムフォーリー
ミシガンバビロン キムフォーリー
ファンタジーワールド キムフォーリー
アドヴェンチャーズインドリームランド キムフォーリー
666 キムフォーリー
デスシティ キムフォーリー
21stセンチュリーユース キムフォーリー
ストレンジプランテーションズ キムフォーリー
ライブアットザバーガーレコーズ キムフォーリー
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2023/05/25(木) 15:16:59.65ID:KfrHbNea
ピストル シバ
コスモスによせるリカヴァード シバ
長距離電話レアトラックス73~74 シバ
ライブ新宿発・謎の電車 シバ
帰還 シバ
真夜中を転がって シバ
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2023/05/25(木) 18:32:29.08ID:pbcG6dQd
ライブアットスウィートウォーター ゲイリーダンカンズクイックシルバー
テキサスレイディオ&ザビッグビート ダグサーム
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2023/05/25(木) 21:42:33.84ID:pbcG6dQd
21st Century Youth was recorded between 2009-2012. The atmosphere was Rock n' Roll Workshop. Recording Artist Kim Fowley returned full time to West Hollywood, California, after being gone for 14 years. KF lived in 10 EU Cities/in 8 EU Countries and 15 USA Cities, during that time away from Tinsel Town.

Mike Wolf was the Engineer/Mixer at Studio 5109 in Hollywood. Benjamin Reagan, now with Richie Ramone, was the main guitar/bass/drummer. John York, formally of The Byrds, was the other guitar. Various other musicians wandered in and out. During this time, KF was fighting his then girlfriend, a Fetish Industry Female...who brought a lot of her job pressures into KF's composing and recording life.

Kim Fowley is controversial at best. He has been accused of madness, insanity and over all bad behavior, for the entirety of his life. Kim felt the album was a bleeding/bitter/battered/broken musical mad house experience. The vibes were horrible. The atmosphere in the studio was a battlefield.

Kim has either been a recording artist with/producer of/ or composer with such dark & disturbed artists as, The Germs, The Runaways, Blue Cheer, Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, Gene Vincent, Them, The Seeds, Belfast Gypsies, Steppenwolf, BOC, ELP, and BTO. KF has worked for PJ Proby. Liner notes for GG Allin. Sang BGV for Gram Parsons(2nd solo album).

Kim Fowley has paid his dues with troublesome projects. KF has brought these wounds and shadows into your body and soul. Be prepared for a journey into the center of the basement and sewer of your mind. This is not an album you will play at a family wedding. This album is for cold winter nights. Being in a cold and empty room. 21st Century Youth is a warning to the young party people among us, to be careful of what you wish for. It might be a Life Sentence as a 21st Century Youth.... for the rest of the Century.
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2023/05/25(木) 21:49:56.22ID:pbcG6dQd
Multi-instrumentalist John York was in one of the most interesting line-ups of the Byrds
in the 1968-69 period and was a major part of the classic BALLAD OF EASY RIDER album.
He's been working and recording every since, following his muse and creating a unique body of work.
Kim Fowley is the brilliant, larger-than-life songwriter/singer/producer/underground recording
artist/cultural commentator with a devoted cult following (including me). Interestingly, though
York was in the Byrds and Fowley wrote songs for the Byrds, Fowley's songs entered the band
AFTER York left, when Kim co-wrote a number of tunes with York's replacement in the Byrds,
the late Skip Battin. So this is not any kind of reunion, but a meeting of minds from men who
have walked many of the same west-coast roads.
Basically, it's a series of new Fowley-York songs sung by York, done in solo acoustic fashion,
with Fowley and York talking about York's career and the west-coast scene over the years. Fowley
is a superb interviewer, not afraid to push the conversation along or nudge York in a direction
Fowley finds interesting. Fowley has always had the ability to size up a scene or a style in a
few well-chosen phrases, and this skill along with York's amazing memory of obscure details from
45 years ago makes the album a treasure. And the songs are fantastic! With York's music and Fowley's
lyrics, it's one anthem after another, and some of them are truly moving, such as "Flower Girls
." We tend to think of Fowley as an edgy artist, which he certainly is, but he can write some beautiful
and classic songs (and surely, he's made much more money on his songwriting over the years,
I'd guess, than his performing, as brilliant as he is as a performer), as one can hear on albums such
York's guitar work and heartfelt vocals fit these songs like a glove, and for me, this is one of
the best releases of the year. The John York-Kim Fowley duo was a total surprise for me, and anyone
who's ever liked the work of either man will adore this. Those not heavily into 60s cultural history
and who are not fans of either man might perhaps not pick up on the album's charms.
Thanks, guys, for this wonderful project.
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2023/05/25(木) 21:50:58.55ID:pbcG6dQd
Kim Fowley is a master tunesmith with a song catalog spanning decades - centuries - written for many of the true greats of rock and roll. This new CD, created with John York of The Byrds, is one of those wonderful spontaneous collaborative efforts that elevate songwriting to art. It is a rare gem in a sea of monotonous plastic.
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2023/05/25(木) 21:53:51.78ID:pbcG6dQd
Kim Fowley is the next step after Frankenstein and Bozo the clown, with a croaking voice from the Tom Waits / Leonard Cohen school of aquired taste singers. Buzzy Beano is a multi-instrumentalist vocal cameleon who excels at engineering and mixing.

Kim and Buzzy made 5 years of soundlab music experimental recordings at The Apartment Studio in Jefferson, LA. between 1996-2001. Various local and overseas musical penpals participated in these "off the wall" noise experiments....in a pop music framework.

Already underground / subversive music collectors are raving over the results that are Strange Plantations. Kim Fowley has recorded with or composed for: John Lennon - Nirvana - The Mothers of Invention - Kiss - The Runaways - Motley Crue - Alice Cooper - Blue Cheer - The Germs - Them And The Seeds.

Strange Plantations is not music you will hear at Mardi Gras. Strange Plantations is the music you will hear in the about to be built American colonies on Mars and the Moon.

Product Description
Kim Fowley is the next step after Frankenstein and Bozo the clown, with a croaking voice from the Tom Waits / Leonard Cohen school of aquired taste singers. Buzzy Beano is a multi-instrumentalist vocal cameleon who excels at engineering and mixing.

Kim and Buzzy made 5 years of soundlab music experimental recordings at The Apartment Studio in Jefferson, LA. between 1996-2001. Various local and overseas musical penpals participated in these "off the wall" noise experiments....in a pop music framework.

Already underground / subversive music collectors are raving over the results that are Strange Plantations. Kim Fowley has recorded with or composed for: John Lennon - Nirvana - The Mothers of Invention - Kiss - The Runaways - Motley Crue - Alice Cooper - Blue Cheer - The Germs - Them And The Seeds.

Strange Plantations is not music you will hear at Mardi Gras. Strange Plantations is the music you will hear in the about to be built American colonies on Mars and the Moon.
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2023/05/25(木) 21:54:55.45ID:pbcG6dQd
After collecting 24 disks of Fowley, it's hard to isolate any one and give
it the attention that it deserves. What I like about this era of Fowley is how
he takes what is essentially music for morons (or androids), which is to say:
Techno, and makes it interesting, while also commenting upon the genre, as in
"Land Of 1000 D.J.s"; "There's robots in the rain"; after all, who would want to
listen to a d.j. but fellow robots. But then the man has been at it for quite some time.
Hell, he has ten years on me, and I'm ancient. And, after all, "Questions/Answers don't
mean much to a gypsy dancer". What can I say, because I seem to be at a loss for words,
which is rare indeed, but makes my point clear. If you want to understand fifty years of
rock and/or roll, buy all the Fowley you can, start with "Ally Opp" and "Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow"
and go from there. By next July 21 you might get some insight, and you can sent Kim an
e-mail on his seventy-first. There is no one in music alive with such credibility,
and when he passes he will leave a void that no one in Generation Gauche will be able to fill.
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2023/05/25(木) 21:58:48.65ID:pbcG6dQd
Wowzers, this album is something else. Half layered spoken word, half actual "music."
I would highly highly recommend it to those who are sick of standard music and want
something not just outside the realms of rock or pop or jazz or whathaveyou,
but for those who want something outside the realms of music as you know it. Very tongue in cheek,
very entertaining, very very awesome. 4 1/2 stars
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2023/05/25(木) 22:32:00.78ID:pbcG6dQd
ネヴィライゼーションライブ ネヴィルブラザーズ
ライブオンプラネットアース ネヴィルブラザーズ
オーソライズドブートレッグウォーフィールドシアター ネヴィルブラザーズ
ライブアットザ2012ニューオリンズジャズ&ヘリテッジフェスティヴァル ネヴィルブラザーズ
グレートアメリカンレディオVOL3 ネヴィルブラザーズ
垢版 |
2023/07/04(火) 14:40:41.45ID:jojqebqe
https://i.imgur.com/PEtmL1R.jpg is
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
