
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ a548-VbP9)2021/11/28(日) 10:39:28.82ID:aoai2Qzr0

VIPQ2_EXTDAT: checked:vvvvv:1000:512:: EXT was configured

0029(-_-)さん (アウアウウー Sa5b-F/Ym)2021/12/01(水) 15:05:58.51ID:/Hwm28tya
feel bad

0030(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW ff7d-4n/E)2021/12/01(水) 16:39:48.09ID:oT0XiArl0
manco anal sex machine yeah!

0031(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW b7bc-F/Ym)2021/12/01(水) 18:09:17.92ID:F+tPNh3t0
YouTube suggested a quite creepy video to me.
That disgusted me.

0032(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW b7bc-F/Ym)2021/12/02(木) 16:53:50.36ID:avjhx7pU0
I want to eat a cup of miso soup.

0033(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW b7bc-F/Ym)2021/12/02(木) 19:51:55.02ID:avjhx7pU0
I'm sleepy after taking a shower.

0034(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW dfdd-Xd9c)2021/12/14(火) 11:45:07.13ID:ahdVxl0j0
my throat is hurting
i need some candy

0035(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ a7ed-j1yc)2021/12/15(水) 22:00:29.70ID:byNUkeld0

0036(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 277d-cMy2)2021/12/15(水) 22:29:00.81ID:8aOSirJm0
I love cat.

0037(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW dfdd-Xd9c)2021/12/16(木) 09:28:18.47ID:IQEwz2+O0
I eat dog and cat

0038(-_-)さん (中止 Saed-1bNQ)2021/12/24(金) 22:54:31.48ID:fINc/DD0aEVE
Merry Christmas!

Somehow I couldn't post on 4chan.
Something went wrong.

0039(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 17bc-gs9A)2021/12/26(日) 22:24:11.86ID:DXnLmW1B0
i am a pen

0040(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ e3cc-j5Xv)2021/12/27(月) 20:25:59.24ID:XgK4/2PL0
Fuck you.
Your mother is bitch.
I'll kill you.

0041(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW e5bc-uuRd)2022/01/04(火) 21:19:08.49ID:FMLGLR4Z0
I'm Hikikomori.

0042(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW e5bc-uuRd)2022/01/05(水) 04:11:13.95ID:TK/jkpJM0
Only death save us.

0043(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ 8d9a-9BXF)2022/01/18(火) 23:42:57.53ID:IxIg7TZ50
There was a hikikomori on this board a long time ago who was learning English on his own.
His English was great.
He was learning English with his nephew or niece.
I wonder where he is now.
I hope he is doing fine.

0044(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ a79a-4V6Q)2022/01/25(火) 17:01:53.18ID:Nx+m+nWc0
To write in English is difficult...

0045(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW e7bc-m9gF)2022/01/26(水) 08:16:02.21ID:fU68hJrS0
My anus is very horny now.

0046(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 5fdd-/pAQ)2022/01/26(水) 10:19:35.92ID:eY7rxJX40
My dog is cute

0047(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 11bc-y3/M)2022/01/30(日) 23:01:23.43ID:+pQsnf500

0048(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ 399a-dw97)2022/01/31(月) 04:24:08.80ID:RGtI2y/c0
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

0049(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW f7bc-23qu)2022/02/10(木) 15:11:12.68ID:ou+mzkNX0
When there's nothing to talk,
I think how to teach Japanese language to Gaijins.

0050(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 577d-e7tq)2022/02/10(木) 17:25:18.24ID:O4kqJd2R0
Tatsuhiko Takimoto's English Practice!

0051(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 577d-e7tq)2022/02/10(木) 20:07:03.13ID:O4kqJd2R0
Tatsuhiko Takimoto is an author known for his novel Welcome to the N.H.K.

0052(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ 379a-zD41)2022/02/10(木) 21:02:43.23ID:t54te7im0
I wonder how good his English is.

0053(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ 926c-tbOq)2022/03/30(水) 12:05:07.66ID:wmUbkkLr0
There is no heaven except my room. This is it all.

0054(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW adeb-8ZCq)2022/03/30(水) 16:16:49.04ID:mIRfcMPW0
I want to be able to argue about any social topics in English.
But usually It is impossible just because of some unknown words.

0055(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ f57d-MR5X)2022/03/31(木) 07:59:08.68ID:UMlbBrNp0
You have a high goal.
You can learn a few words a day and someday you will be an English master.

0056(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW c7eb-AG2k)2022/05/02(月) 04:01:29.09ID:sl8JiXii0
Unfortunately I cannot follow speed of conversation at all.

0057(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 8a30-ZctF)2022/07/04(月) 08:56:04.71ID:dTaMQ2mp0
I wish my parents to die.

0058(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW bdeb-y8hN)2022/07/11(月) 20:58:46.37ID:5w3ZWvnK0
There are no animes interesting to watch in this season.

0059(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 89eb-RqPi)2022/07/16(土) 21:49:48.52ID:9CbrdEuC0
I'm tired.

0060(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ b7eb-fv4A)2022/09/17(土) 16:20:11.58ID:JIiZFnDI0
I'm tired of being alive.

0061(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ b7ff-ret5)2022/09/19(月) 21:16:20.21ID:rAXAIqOO0

0062(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 9f30-vd9G)2022/09/20(火) 11:09:54.06ID:HEJ+Ehm70
I will fall at the Eiken.
but next next year hope!

0063(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW adeb-B112)2022/11/09(水) 18:01:28.97ID:R6vQ8jJh0
A word I studied today: skip
skip a class : 授業をサボる
skip a grade : 飛び級する

0064(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW adeb-B112)2022/11/09(水) 18:30:54.02ID:R6vQ8jJh0
skip school : 学校を休む

0065(-_-)さん (HappyBirthday!W a3eb-wiAI)2022/11/20(日) 17:33:00.77ID:onwYFvjf0HAPPY
More study foreign languages, more feel necessity of studying mother tongue.

0066(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 6a30-C7m/)2022/12/18(日) 12:31:53.84ID:I9nxanjX0
I wish a Christmas present of god

0067(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 97eb-JMmb)2022/12/19(月) 16:28:14.19ID:8nNpOMfi0
Is God's present to us death?

0068(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 41eb-v+M1)2023/01/14(土) 03:09:45.35ID:rkEq2a/S0
I've become apathetic and spiritless for almost all things.
Even favorite things.

0069(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 53eb-DWWj)2023/01/23(月) 04:00:10.63ID:BWpy+BFS0
Terribly constipation.

0070(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 5feb-LHdB)2023/01/28(土) 08:19:41.97ID:xILOxjU+0
2D Lolicon is OK.

0071(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ 5aeb-PJrl)2023/02/28(火) 18:26:45.92ID:qma8EV6h0
how do you do?

0072(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 41eb-8mKe)2023/03/09(木) 21:31:25.00ID:ALMniRN60
I'm eternally depressed.

0073(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ 13eb-CSnB)2023/03/20(月) 13:20:07.46ID:y7KTy6ua0

0074(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW d9eb-V4nF)2023/03/21(火) 01:28:47.07ID:a84yrhQY0
I didn't see such thread.

0075(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW 1330-mYN8)2023/03/22(水) 07:09:21.38ID:iVFKDFWh0
at past
there loli poems..english sites were many many
but,now nothing
not yarigai

0076(-_-)さん (ワッチョイ e1bb-XP14)2023/03/24(金) 00:38:45.45ID:VBl0pj6H0
I think you are idiot.

0077(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW e5eb-RaRb)2023/03/25(土) 04:41:49.55ID:IBMn8tkQ0
Doesn't pixiv satisfy you?
I sometimes read English comics on pixiv.

0078(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW e5eb-RaRb)2023/03/26(日) 09:03:34.26ID:AG/Ue/GT0
Moms are only in 2D.

0079(-_-)さん (ワッチョイW dfeb-FT5K)2023/04/01(土) 17:31:10.86ID:lLgPb13e0
Curry is a drink.

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